
We stand at a moment in the church when we are crossing a great historic threshold …  What you see in the world you see in the Archdiocese of Brisbane.  A great deal of the true spiritual and human energy of this diocese is to be found in the communities that are represented in the Cathedral today.

– Archbishop Mark Coleridge (Multicultural Mass 2016)

The pastoral care of migrants, refugees and people on the move is an ongoing mission of the Catholic Church.  In the Archdiocese of Brisbane, the Church walks alongside cultural communities and parishes as they go through the various stages of integration.

The Centre for Multicultural Pastoral Care aims to:

  • Put in place supportive structures and nurturing environment in the Archdiocese of Brisbane where various cultural communities operate in a similar way as parishes (on their own or as parish-hosted Mass centres) where both Community and Parish work as one.
  • (With supportive structures in place), ensure that Communities take the same responsibility as Parishes regarding compliance on five major areas – governance, accounting & finances, safeguarding, insurances and workplace health & safety.
  • Encourage collaboration and ongoing dialogue towards developing and maintaining harmonious multicultural and intercultural parishes across Brisbane.

Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerants [A 10-year Overview]


[Archdiocesan Multicultural Mass]

[Past Events]