
The Centre for Multicultural Pastoral Care Logo shows an artistic interpretation of the flight into Egypt of Jesus, Mary and Joseph as it is mentioned in the Gospel according to Matthew: “‘so Joseph got up and, taking the child and his mother with him, left that night for Egypt, where he stayed until Herod was dead.” (Mt7:14-15).

Pius XII’s Exsul Familia, on the spiritual care of displaced migrants (Family in Exile -August 1, 1952) takes inspiration from the same account. The Pontiff indicates the Family of Nazareth as a model and consolation of the refugees (EF 1). Model, example and consolation of migrants in all times who, as a result of fear from persecution or urged by necessity, are forced to leave their motherland and seek refuge in foreign countries.

Family is indeed one of the greatest themes of the Social Documents of the Church and it is also an ever-present concern in the pastoral care of people on the move.

– Maurizio Pettena CS (National Director, Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office)


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